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TUI Achieves End-to-End Automation of Financial Processes


Processes across all international territories


Cost transparency across global operations

Up to 85%

STP rate for 5 million invoices per year

TUI is the world’s leading tourism group. Targeting increased automation across the finance function that supports its European business units, including processing 5 million incoming invoices annually, TUI deployed Kofax ReadSoft Process Director™ for SAP, boosting speed, consistency and standardization.

"The flexibility of the Kofax technology, and the short timeframe in which we got the integrated solution up and running, met our needs well."
Matthew Miles
Head of SAP Support, TUI

About Company

TUI is the world’s leading tourism group, providing 27 million customers with an unmatched holiday experience in 180 destinations. Headquartered in Hannover, Germany, the company employs 67,000 people, and operates more than 380 hotels and resorts, 17 cruise ships, and five airlines with around 150 aircraft, covering the entire tourism value chain under one roof.