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How automation transformed ryder into a more innovative, open-minded logistics company

VIDEO: Leaders discuss automation opportunity and success using citizen developers

Tungsten worked hand in hand with us to do a pilot so that we could properly prove out our ROI, which we did recover in the first six months of utilization. So, immediately out of the gate, we saw the benefit, got our ROI and have continued to grow our robotic process automation program.
Mark Wiebe
Group Director SPE at Ryder System, Inc.
When I think about ‘working like tomorrow,’ we have to be innovative, we have to always be open-minded to new technology that’s out there. Otherwise, other people will discover it first and we’ll lose our edge.
Leslie Mandrell
Group Logistics Manager at Ryder System, Inc.

Meet Ryder

Ryder is a third-party logistics company focused on transportation management, direct transportation services and warehousing. Ryder operates behind the scenes, managing critical fleet, transportation and supply chain functions for over 50,000 customers, many of which make the products that consumers use every day. Ryder has industry-leading technology, one of North America’s largest fleets of trucks and an expansive infrastructure of maintenance facilities and warehouses.

Weitere Ressourcen zur intelligenten Automatisierung

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