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McConnell Dowell construction leverages automation to scale the business

Video: Finance lead discusses upgrading to TotalAgility to improve invoice processing

Meet McConnell Dowell

For over 60 years, customers have come to McConnell Dowell with complex projects that require innovative solutions. That's why they’re known as the creative construction company. From remote resources and energy projects to city-shaping infrastructure, they've built thousands of quality assets and facilities for customers and communities. Their expertise has grown steadily to span building, civil, electrical, fabrication, marine, mechanical, pipelines, rail, tunnel and underground construction.

Mc Connel Dowell
Tungsten TotalAgility for us is the starting point for all of our invoices. Everything that we process comes in through that. It’s fully integrated into our system. With the new Tungsten Automation process, we don't lose invoices anymore. We find them quickly. We can process them and ensure that those sites continue to produce as they're supposed to.
Inez Clement
Group Finance Systems Manager, McConnell Dowell Construction
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