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Blue valley schools enhances student and staff experiences with seamless, secure print services

To offer outstanding learning experiences to more than 22,000 students in Johnson County, Kansas, Blue Valley Schools relies on printing and scanning capabilities. To boost security, cut costs and save resources, the organization engaged imageQUEST to deploy Tungsten Equitrac® Print-to-Me and Tungsten ControlSuite™, enabling intelligent capture, mobile support and workflow automation. By adopting Tungsten solutions and consolidating 1,600 printers and scanners to 400 smart devices, Blue Valley Schools can queue documents until students and staff arrive at the printer—avoiding over 83,000 pages of waste per month.

>292K Pages

of Print waste saved in 3.5 months

75% Reduction

in Number of print devices

Lower costs

and Boosts information security

Blue Valley Schools
In just three and a half months, we’ve avoided printing over 292,400 pages, saving costs and shrinking waste.
Jason Gillam
Director of Business Operations, Blue Valley Schools

Meet blue valley schools

Blue Valley Schools is a public unified school district headquartered in Overland Park, Kansas, with more than 22,000 students and 3,300 staff.

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