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JFK Health boosts patient data security with Tungsten ControlSuite

Like many other healthcare organizations, JFK Health was grappling with the seemingly opposite challenge of reducing costs while increasing security of patient healthcare data. Multiple reprints of the same documents or large print jobs sent to expensive devices resulted in continually rising print costs. Users often left unattended documents on the printer with sensitive patient information, causing significant security concerns. To meet their cost management and security, JFK Health selected Tungsten ControlSuite™, the market-leading print management, intelligent capture and mobile solution. With secure print release from a mobile device, tracking and reporting features and the ability to automate and enforce print rules, JKF Health was able to meet their security goals while attaining a strong ROI.


A highly secure printing environment


Usage and educate users in printing best practices


Printing expenses

JFK Health
ROI is certainly being achieved purely by the fact that we’ve reduced the total number of devices. While we haven’t gone entirely digital, the hope is to be paper-light, not paperless, and Tungsten Automation products are moving us closer to that.
Miroslav Belote
Director of IT – Infrastructure, JFK Health

Meet JFK Health

JFK Health, a non-profit organization, encompasses a wide array of organizations, services and facilities serving residents in the Central New Jersey region. The system includes acute care hospital JFK Medical Center, inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation centers, nursing facilities and specialized treatment programs.