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Intelligent Automation & ABN AMRO: The personal bank for the digital age

Video: Bank executive reflects on ‘Amazing Results,’ ‘Competitive Edge’

I've been working in banking for quite a long time, and I've never achieved such an amazing result. We have this strong automation program where we use technology to make the bank better, where employees really get enthusiastic when working with this technology.
Pascal Smissaert
Head of Robotics and BPM at ABN AMRO


AMRO is one of the leading banks in the Netherlands. With a main focus on Northwest Europe, they provide loans, mortgages and other banking services and solution to companies and individuals. ABN AMRO strives to be a personal bank in the digital age. Their strategy offers opportunities to use three strategic pillars to move their bank forward in a highly, rapidly changing world: reinventing the customer experience, support clients’ transition to sustainability, and build a future-proof bank.

More Intelligent Automation resources

Strategy: Being a Personal Bank in the Digital Age

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