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BAR Gemeenten Supports Freelance Workers with Rapid Access to Emergency Funding


Citizens to Apply for Funding Online

96% Faster

Processing of Funding Applications

1,900 Workers

Supported with Emergency Funds to Date

When the coronavirus crisis hit Europe, the government of the Netherlands quickly implemented new legislation to deliver financial support to freelance workers. To rapidly process, validate and pay out on funding applications from thousands of citizens, municipal-service organization BAR Gemeenten is using Kofax RPA™ to cut hours of manual effort down to just four minutes per application.

“The work we are doing with Kofax and BMconsultants will greatly improve the quality of our services, and we look forward to exploring new opportunities to infuse automation into our back-office operations.”
Dick Slottje
Information Consultant – Social Domain, BAR Gemeenten

Meet BAR Gemeenten

BAR Gemeenten (in English: BAR Municipalities) is a local government organization that provides public services to the three Dutch municipalities of Barendrecht, Albrandswaard and Ridderkerk. From three offices throughout the region, BAR Gemeenten delivers a wide range of back-office and front-line government services that support more than 125,000 inhabitants across the municipalities.


Kofax RPA
Kofax Mailroom Automation


Robotic Process Automation
Operational Efficiency
Digital Transformation