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Trius lifts back-office efficiency and accuracy by automating invoice processing

Long-winded manual processes made Trius’ accounts payable (AP) processes slow and error-prone and threatened to curb growth. To address this, the IT service provider deployed Tungsten AP Essentials to automate 95% of invoice processing—achieving a time saving of 80% and empowering employees to spend more time on value-added activities.

80 %

Less time taken to process a single supplier invoice

95 %

Of invoices processed in Tungsten AP Essentials™


Employees to spend more time developing customer relationships


Founded in 2001, Trius provides IT infrastructure and hosting services for self-employed individuals, SMEs, large companies, public authorities and schools.


"Thanks to AP Essentials, an invoice now only takes two minutes to process on average—that’s 80% faster."
Frank Verjans
Managing Director, Trius