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AMN Healthcare Uses Intelligent Automation to Help Clients Improve and Deliver a Positive Patient Experience


System uptime


Man hours saved


Lost time cards and missed payments

AMN Healthcare, working with business partner Genus Technologies, uses Kofax RPA™, Kofax TotalAgility™, Kofax Analytics for TotalAgility and Kofax Mobile Capture™ to automatically process healthcare workers’ timecards and key credentials. Combined, these solutions ensure that their healthcare workers can fill “high needs” positions and receive their pay on time, while also reducing workload for the company’s back-office staff—allowing them to focus on more value-add tasks.

“We found quick wins with Kofax RPA by automating high volume process steps. Timeliness and accuracy are now maximized, and our support staff can focus on shoring up other process areas.”
Jeff Stratton
Senior Project Manager, AMN Healthcare


Founded in 1985 and headquartered in San Diego, California, AMN Healthcare provides healthcare staffing solutions for medical facilities across the nation. The company also offers managed services programs and recruitment process outsourcing solutions that enable healthcare providers to reduce complexity, increase efficiency and improve patient outcomes.


Partner Name: Genus Technologies



Kofax RPA
Kofax TotalAgility
Kofax Mobile Capture


Robotic Process Automation (RPA)Intelligent AutomationCustomer UpTime Improvements