Time to issue warrants from hours to minutes
Time for officers to focus on public safety
Warrant processing helps ensure delivery of justice
Cumbersome manual processes for obtaining warrants often made it difficult for the court to issue large volumes of these documents in a timely, efficient manner. Working with BerkOne, Marion County harnessed Cognitive Capture, Mobility & Engagement and Process Orchestration technologies, key pillars of the Kofax Intelligent Automation platform, to deliver an innovative electronic warrants system. By replacing paper files with digital documents, Marion County is streamlining the submission, review and authorization processes.
About Company
The largest county in the state of Indiana, Marion County is home to more than 900,000 people. The Marion Superior Court has exclusive jurisdiction over all criminal cases filed in the county and is comprised of 36 elected judges, 29 commissioners and magistrates, as well as more than 750 administrative staff.
Kofax TotalAgilityKofax TransformationKofax Import Connector
Warrant ProcessingDigital TransformationCognitive Capture
Tungsten TotalAgility
Die TotalAgility-Plattform für intelligente Automatisierung beschleunigt Geschäftsprozesse mit Document Intelligence, Aufgabenautomatisierung und Prozessorchestrierung.
Tungsten RPA
Mit der Tungsten RPA-Technologie können Sie arbeitsintensive, mehrstufige Aufgaben über Systeme und Datenquellen hinweg ohne Programmieraufwand automatisieren.