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Schultz Drives Profitable Growth by Rapidly Launching New Services to the Market

Fundamental to the digital solutions Schultz Information provides expert content created and managed by the company’s editors. Schultz’s specialists in the legal sector used Kofax Kapow™ to automate the error-prone manual metadata registration process. Today, the company has nearly 350,000 unique metadata records, encompassing nearly one million document relationships.

The Challenge

The Challenge

Schultz’s specialists in the legal sector help clients efficiently answer the question: what changes in the legislation are relevant for us?

Although public legal information is digitally available today, it’s not easy to find exactly what is needed and assimilate the legalese—laws and codes are revised continuously.

For Danish municipalities and the various government agencies, administering changes in their work resulting from 10,000+ annual rulings and verdicts is a challenge. There are hundreds of government websites with hundreds of thousands of legislative documents, legal sub-documents and sub-paragraphs to scan, compare and evaluate on a frequent and recurring basis. In addition, legal documents have multiple levels, interrelationships and links that also change unpredictably.

Schultz’s domain experts “translate” legal content revisions into useful information so customers can easily see what has changed, when it is effective and the relevance to their business. The challenge for Schultz’s specialists is to quickly sift through the overwhelming volume of public legal documents to deliver targeted information and timely insights.

The Solution

The Solution

Schultz’s legal specialists used to spend many hours every day manually searching for new and updated legislation, downloading legal content, and classifying and tagging hundreds of thousands of documents. The process was inefficient, inconsistent and not scalable to meet the demand. Editors at the company had little time to evaluate information relevancy or provide new services.

Schultz chose Kofax Kapow™ as the solution, using its services to automate the manually-intensive data collection, editorial workflow and pre-media processes—more than 300 automated information flows total. This has freed editors’ time for deeper analysis and other domain-related tasks. Now, Schultz can deliver and adapt content and create customized solutions rapidly and cost-effectively.

The Results

The Results

High-quality metadata and document relationships are essential to developing the valued insights, content quality and range of services that differentiate Schultz from the competition. Schultz is known today for the expert content it provides for a variety of digital support tools, law portals and customer service sites, such as citizen online help.

Employing Kapow to automate and optimize many workflows end-to-end, as well as back-office housekeeping tasks has increased efficiency by further reducing manual efforts. Now Schultz’s specialists can focus on delivering domain-specific content in conjunction with the company’s innovative IT solution projects, as well as for external projects with its partners.

New high-value solutions alert customers to high-priority documents, which legislative changes are relevant for them and—relative to the client’s own documents—where specifically they reference legal information that has changed. These enhanced services are a huge success for Schultz.

Using Kapow to automate the error-prone manual metadata registration process significantly improved the overall quality delivered. This also enabled Schultz to considerably expand its metadata and relationships—today close to 350,000 unique metadata records with roughly one million document relationships.

Schultz’s objective is to double revenue and profits in two years, which will require ever-greater levels of automation and optimization, as well as more high-value services and customized content. The Content Management department is ready to support this effort. Many innovative Kapow solutions, incorporating mobile applications, REST services and Kapow Kapplets are already in production. The Kapow Kapplets are a particular advantage for editors because they enable them to quickly locate documents in Schultz’s pipeline and provide detailed customer support. Editors stay focused on the content, rather than the process.