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GIE-UGIM Captures 2 Million Pages Per Year with Business Process Automation Solution

GIE-UGIM Chooses Kofax for Its Document Driven Business Process Automation Solution. GIE-UGIM uses Kofax software to share capture capabilities among its organizations, while addressing the specific needs of each organization.

The Challenge

The Challenge

GIE-UGIM decided to implement a new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to manage relationships with its members and to better meet the specific needs of each organization. This change in turn meant that GIE-UGIM had to re-evaluate its Kofax Capture solution, which had been in use since 2006. Today GIE-UGIM is about 350 users but their objective is to achieve 600 users in a very short run.

The Solution

The Solution

After assessing several solutions, GIE-UGIM decided to continue working with Kofax, whose products are flexible and perfectly met the new specifications. GIE-UGIM chose Kofax Capture to scan, integrate and clean documents to improve their legibility. GIE-UGIM also chose Kofax Transformation Modules to identify and classify documents so they could be automatically sent to the appropriate individuals and departments.

Together, the Kofax products allow GIE-UGIM to increase productivity and avoid wasting paper. In one year, the organizations scanned 2 million pages, compared to 1.2 million with the previous solution.

Based on their success with Kofax Capture and Kofax Transformation Modules, GIE-UGIM also decided to integrate Kofax Communication Server to capture emails.

“The issue with integrating emails in our CRM quickly became a challenge,” said Mâamoun Bernichi, Design Engineer at GIE-UGIM. “With Kofax Communication Server, we are now able to retrieve emails and integrate them the same way as regular mail.”

For GIE-UGIM, the key strengths of Kofax are its flexibility and network capabilities. “We took the time to talk with Kofax, exchange emails and meet some of their clients and partners to share experiences,” added Mâamoun Bernichi. “Kofax remains the entry point and facilitates the identification of documents for us, making the process smoother and our organizations more responsive.”

Another major benefit of the Kofax solution is its scalability. One of the challenges faced by GIE-UGIM was the need to pool resources and share tools while addressing the specific needs of each organization. The Kofax platform enabled GIE-UGIM to meet these challenges and is ready to meet future challenges.

“This year, GIE-UGIM plans to integrate an additional organization with three remote sites,” said Marina Molin, Chief Executive Officer of GIE-UGIM. “In the future, GIE-UGIM will integrate the solutions used for pooling resources among several organizations, and offer them to the other organizations that do not use them.”

At this time, GIE-UGIM has deployed Kofax software to manage only inbound information. Should the organization decide to also address the outgoing flow of information, GIE-UGIM would again work with Kofax.