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Two diverse businesspeople smiling while working on a laptop together at the end of a boardroom table in an office

White Paper: Migrating business users to an Alternative PDF Solution

5 Reasons Kofax Power PDF Makes It Easier for Organizations to Switch.

Convincing employees to start using a new software tool – even one that will make them more productive - is a tall order. The interface looks different. There are new features to learn. But with Kofax Power PDF, making the switch is easier than you think.

There are many PDF tools on the market, but almost all require businesses or their users to make compromises. Some are costly. Others are too hard to use. Many are jam-packed with features - just not the right ones for your users.

Download “Migrating business users to a robust alternative desktop PDF solution is now possible... and it’s easier than you think” to discover why employees will be eager to change.

  • Ease of use
  • Robust, flexible software
  • Enhanced document security
  • Anwendungsfälle Nach Branchen

Make your strongest case. Read “Migrating business users to a robust alternative desktop PDF solution is now possible... and it’s easier than you think.”





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