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Kofax Kapow Technical Product Overview

Does your IT organization struggle to connect a vast array of systems and data sources? Learn how to quickly build, deploy and manage automated robots that interact across internal enterprise systems, websites, web portals, desktop applications and other data sources—without APIs and complex coding.

In this technical overview, you’ll learn:

  • How a visual, highly-intuitive design interface for building robots takes the pressure off of IT
  • Why centralized robot governance is key to reaching the full scalability and performance of RPA
  • How an extensible architecture that can support end-to-end digital enterprise with pre-built integrations is key to RPA success

See how the leading RPA platform helps more than 600 organizations achieve exceptional benefits in operational quality, speed and cost savings. Download your Kofax Kapow™ Technical Overview now.

For more information, call our United States office at +1 (949) 783-1333, or contact a local office around the world.





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