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Aberdeen: Achieving Accounts Payable Excellence in the Cloud

A Business Case for SaaS-Based Invoice Processing

More than ever before, organizations are turning to the cloud for accounts payable (AP) automation. Past concerns over security have been lessened by advances in deterrence technology. And, AP solutions operating in the cloud are leading to better invoice management and optimized performance. Aberdeen found that adoption of cloud-based AP solutions is already at 85% for Best-in-Class companies – and they are seeing big benefits..

Read Aberdeen’s report to learn:

  • Why Best-in-Class financial management organizations prefer the cloud
  • The invoice management benefits of cloud-based AP solutions
  • The performance differences between users of on premise vs. cloud AP solutions
Download "Achieving Accounts Payable Excellence in the Cloud" today and explore how you can start leveraging a SaaS-based invoice processing solution to streamline your AP processes.


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