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RPA is not enough: A 4 step guide to true digital workflow transformation

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Your customers’ expectations are high. They want a seamless, efficient and simple process that supports them across all channels and devices.

Resilient organizations know they need to be agile to survive and succeed. They must be able to rapidly identify and automate as many business processes as possible—and this calls for end-to-end automation and true digital workflow transformation.

Kofax RPA Is Not Enough

Is RPA an important piece in this process? Absolutely. But is it the only piece? Definitely not.

RPA success requires adjacent technologies like AI, document intelligence and process orchestration to enable true automation at scale. Nearly half of organizations we surveyed1 report having only partially automated processes—precisely when there are no more excuses for under-performing.

Download this guide to learn how synchronizing your digital transformation efforts under an intelligent automation platform can address your organization’s unique needs, maximize your investments and complement your RPA workforce. 

1 Tungsten Automation 2022 Intelligent Automation Benchmark Study

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