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Extend Intelligent Automation with AI to Create More Frictionless Customer Experiences

Better outcomes for customers and employees—every organization that works like tomorrow places this goal at the top of the must-do list for 2020 and beyond. That's why Tungsten and Cognigy have formed a strategic alliance to integrate their respective technology solutions. Organizations can realize the benefits of end-to-end automation with Tungsten, while creating more frictionless customer/employee engagement though omnichannel input channels – such as voice and chat – provided through Cognigy.

Download this white paper to discover how AI and automation can be combined to:

  • Facilitate human-like interactions using innovative natural language processing and deep-learning algorithms.
  • Capture, process and analyze data, and empower employees and customers to engage with data across an entire process.
  • Lower transaction costs, eliminate manual and tedious tasks and drive better satisfaction among customers and employees.

For more information, call our United States office at +1 (949) 783-1333, or contact a local office around the world.





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