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Beyond RPA: 4 ‘Bigger than bots’ case studies

Download white paper
How combining RPA with complementary technologies accelerates your automation journey

“Bots” are a simple way to automate many of your repetitive tasks. But while robotic process automation (RPA) is a compelling technology, digital transformation is about more than automating repetitive tasks. Organizations need to think bigger than just bots. Tungsten RPA is integrated with our broader intelligent automation platform, delivering true digital transformation for your business.

In this case study bundle, you’ll discover how:

  • An insurance adjuster adjudicates claims 75% faster with RPA
  • A healthcare company automated processing employee key credentials and timecards
  • A global telco provider digitized invoice processing and increased productivity by 400%
  • A dental care provider improved service responsiveness and compliance

Download your case study bundle now!





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