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What’s New in Kofax RPA 10.4 – Building Smarter Robots 

Forward-looking organizations recognize they must move beyond automating only rules-based tasks with RPA. The enterprise of the future isn’t automating in small pockets with point solutions: it’s building and managing a digital workforce capable of harnessing hundreds─even thousands─of robots across the organization.As part of the Kofax Intelligent Automation platform, Kofax RPA 10.4 fully addresses enterprises’ end-to-end automation needs—at scale. Organizations can delegate manual tasks to the robots, and elevate employees to focus on more strategic work.View this webinar recording to learn more about the next-generation capabilities of Kofax RPA 10.4, including:Cognitive Document Automation: Powerful, AI-based intelligence (including machine learning, natural language processing and intelligent OCR) learns and processes unstructured document data, requiring human intervention only for exceptions.Robot Lifecycle Management: True Version Control System (VCS) lets you manage thousands of robots, scale RPA operations and reduce robot errors and downtime. Automated Process Discovery: Insights and analysis into true human interactions help to identify repetitive tasks that can be performed by RPA—before the robots are designed. Download now. 

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