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RPA for Logistics: Achieving Digital Transformation Through AI

Robotic process automation (RPA) and AI technologies promise to help logistics players modernize these systems quickly and non-invasively and enable new digital initiatives to be seamlessly integrated into core operations, but implementing them successfully requires careful thought and planning.

Watch this webinar to hear:

  • Neil Ward-Dutton, Vice President of AI and DX European Research Practices for IDC, will share industry expertise on how RPA and AI adoption trends in the logistics industry can be implemented successfully.
  • Michael Pederson, Director of Business Integrations in Global IT for DSV, will share a case study on how DSV enhanced productivity and efficiency in their operations to better serve customers.
  • Tyler Suss, Product Marketing Director for Kofax, will also provide recommendations on key factors to consider for selecting a smart automation solution for your organization.

For more information, call our United States office at +1 (949) 783-1333, or contact a local office around the world.

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