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Webinar: The Power of the Cloud - SaaS-based Invoice Automation with Kofax ReadSoft Online

More than ever before, accounts payable (AP) automation is moving to the cloud. And, it’s for a good reason: cloud-based solutions, such as SaaS-based invoice processing solutions, are proving to improve business agility, offer a lower total cost of ownership and a faster return on investment.

The latest version of Kofax ReadSoft Online™, our market-leading SaaS-based invoice automation solution, provides cognitive capture, 2- and 3-way line-item matching, approvals, general ledger coding, and seamless integration with your ERP to accommodate your unique invoice processing requirements.

View this webinar recording presented by Art Sarno, Kofax Product Marketing Director to:

  • Learn why SaaS-based invoice processing can solve AP’s biggest challenges
  • Hear about the capabilities in the latest version of ReadSoft Online
  • Watch an exclusive demo of ReadSoft Online

Download the webinar to get started on increasing AP efficiency and cost savings.

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