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What Advances in Automation Mean for the Finance Function

Automate and Optimize Financial Processes

The accounts payable process has remained mostly unchanged for decades, until now. Automation presents an opportunity for Accounts Payable to become a strategic advisor and data-rich function within the enterprise.

In this on-demand webinar, What Advances in Automation Mean for the Finance Function, you’ll hear from HSA Yemen CFO, Yasmein Mohktar and industry thought leader, Sid Vasili as we discuss the evaluation of the AP function along the automation journey. You’ll also hear how Kofax customer HSA is creating the finance function of the future using automation.

In this webinar, we’ll discuss how:

  • Automation presents an opportunity for Accounts Payable to move from a back-office role to a strategic advisor, making it a valuable part of the organization.
  • Automation unlocks access to data that enables leaders to have the information that they need to make critical business decisions.





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