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Smiling multiracial business people sitting at meeting in conference room and handshake.

Transforming Customer and Employee Experience With Automation

Intelligent Automation for Digital Workflow Transformation

In the last year, many companies have adapted to new realities, changed their business models and embraced digital transformation. The pandemic accelerated the adoption of digital technologies that enabled companies to interact with their suppliers and customers in a virtual world. From banking to shopping to travel, many companies now use a digital infrastructure to connect people with what they want and need, nearly instantly. 

Join us for our on-demand webinar, Transforming the Customer and Employee Experience with Automation. You’ll hear from the CEO of Borusan Cat and the Head of Digital Transformation at Duke Energy for a practical discussion about:

  • The challenges and rewards associated with investing to enhance customer experience
  • The benefits of using automation to improve service to customers
  • Keeping employees in the driver's seat and positioning them to do more with solutions like Kofax TotalAgility® and Kofax RPA™
  • Use cases and potential areas to get started
  • Key practices common to successful automation initiatives
  • Considerations for implementation, scale and ultimately expanding your digital transformation program





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