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The Future of Work and the Impact of Automation: What it Means for Asia Pacific Organisations

The way we work is changing, and both the speed and scope of change have dramatically increased over the past six months. The “new normal,” as it emerges, will be unpredictable and will force policymakers and business leaders to reconsider many of the old ways of planning and taking action.

These changes are driven both from a technology perspective – with the availability of intelligent automation – and by the severe impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Both require a new way of thinking about how we work. Automation has evolved from a pure cost-saving exercise to improving efficiency and quality of work. At the same time, COVID-19 has forced us to rethink the very foundation of how knowledge work is organized.

Watch this webinar featuring Achim Granzen, Principal Analyst at Forrester, for a discussion that will include:

  • How at-scale deployment of intelligent automation and the shift away from defined workspaces will shape the future of work
  • How organizations and employees can harness the benefits of automation to achieve digital transformation
  • Insights from recent research conducted by Forrester Consulting and what the results might mean for Asia Pacific businesses
  • A panel conversation examining new ways of thinking about work environments and changes that have been put into action with Kofax customers





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