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Multi-Function Devices as an Onramp to Your Digital Transformation Journey

In the last year, many companies adapted to new realities, changed their business models and embraced digital transformation. The pandemic accelerated the adoption of digital technologies that enabled companies to interact with their suppliers and customers in a virtual world. From banking to shopping to travel, many companies now use a digital infrastructure to connect people with what they want and need, nearly instantly.

Join us for our on-demand webinar, Multi-Function Devices as an Onramp to Your Digital Transformation Journey. In this session, you’ll learn how a luxury German auto maker leveraged their MFD investment to accelerate their digital transformation initiatives. They augmented those devices with intelligent automation capabilities to unlock incremental value. You'll hear the challenges they encountered and how they achieved results throughout the transformation journey while driving continual innovation.

Tune in and find out about

  • Turning your MFD into an onramp to your digital transformation initiatives
  • Where to start defining your priorities
  • Effectively selecting the right innovation partner to drive transformation at scale
  • Sample successful automation workflows
  • What’s next in your transformation journey





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