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Business people work conference and meeting in modern office

Office Hours: KTA 7.9: Quick Workflow

The last year accelerated the adoption of digital technologies that enabled companies to interact with their suppliers and customers in a virtual world. From banking to shopping to travel, many companies now use a digital infrastructure to connect people with what they want and need, nearly instantly.

You can do it, too. Quickly and easily. We’ll show you how during this 20-minute webinar, Kofax TotalAgility 7.9: Quick Workflow. In this session, you’ll learn:

  • Capabilities in the Kofax TotalAgility platform that allow citizen developers to build powerful digital workflows.
  • How to quickly design an end-to-end workflow utilizing Kofax’s TotalAgilty Quick Workflow.
  • Easy low-code, drag-and-drop features to help you achieve true end-to-end digital workflow transformation and support your customers.

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