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Two young businesspeople in the office at night working late, discussing a project.

Navigating the Journey to Electronic Records Management With IA

The National Archives and Records Administration has laid out several key milestones in its Electronic Records Management Initiative (NARA M-19-21) that are fast approaching. Hear from government and industry experts to learn how agencies are meeting this mandate and how intelligent automation can play a key role in compliance.

Topics of discussion will include:

  • Key learnings from an agency that has started their digital transformation journey
  • Steps and solutions to efficiently convert volumes of paper records into searchable electronic formats
  • Engaging internal stakeholders to embrace the required changes
  • Why M-19-21 can be a catalyst to drive further operational efficiencies in your organization


  • Catherine M. Cole, Ph.D, Branch Chief, Directives, Forms and Records Management Branch (DFRMB) Management Services Division, U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • Markus Most, Electronic Records Policy Analyst, National Archives and Records Administration
  • Richard Jacik, Chief Digital Officer (CDO), Brillient Corporation
  • Mark Wallin, Vice President, Commercial Product Management, Kofax
  • Jeremy Hogg, Vice President, Sales, Public Sector, Kofax

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