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AIIM - Maximizing Workforce Capacity - Proven Practices for Saving Time, Money, and Effort

Organizations that work at “the speed of paper” are having an increasingly hard time competing. In an age where employees and customers demand anywhere, anytime access to the information they need, organizations must think beyond simply scanning paper and leveraging email in support of digitization initiatives. They must become agile and responsive rather than be passive and reactive.

How? By freeing up manual and paper-based processes so that workers can focus on high-value activities.

Watch this webinar to learn the best practices for getting started on your Intelligent Automation (IA) plan. You will learn:

  • How to move your digital transformation beyond just scanning paper and capturing email
  • Real world examples of how IA can be applied to common business processes
  • How CIOs, technologists, and business leaders can strategize to prepare for a post-pandemic business landscape
  • Four best practices for getting started with your Intelligent Automation plan





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