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Webinar: The LIBOR Challenge: Limit Your Exposure and Safeguard Customer Satisfaction

Are you preparing for the LIBOR transition? Searching for a better way to get it all done before the end of 2021?

The mammoth task of transitioning away from LIBOR is complicated. Kofax recognizes the challenge and we can help you define a strategy and solution to properly serve your customers, mitigate some of the risks inherent to the changes LIBOR brings with it, and relieve some of the pressure.

Join Sarah Johnson, Kofax Solution Consultant, Financial Services to learn:

  • Understanding the impact the end of LIBOR could have on your business
  • Identifying the necessary steps businesses need to take to ensure they are ready for the change
  • Strategy to mitigate risks and exposure using a scalable enterprise platform

Watch this webinar and be better prepared to drive the transition.





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