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Create a Smarter Mailroom with AI

Gain Actionable Insights Into Business Processes

While the Digital Mailroom has been around for almost forty years, it’s now one of the fastest growing sectors of the digital economy and plays a large part in what Forrester describes as “fueling the next wave of digital transformation” and helping organizations who are “seeking the next level in competitiveness and customer obsession.” Where are you on your digital mailroom journey?

Do you have the optimal collection and processing of physical and electronic documents? Or are you managing information coming in different forms and channels with overwhelming manual processes and inefficiencies in workflows?

Watch this webinar to discover how to move the needle in your digital mailroom, and:

  • Leverage embedded artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline the capture and validation of both incoming paper and electronic mail
  • Support inbound channels such as email and portals, using intelligent automation to unlock documents and data coming into your organization
  • Gain actionable insights into business processes and monitor critical applications for better control
  • Scale centrally-managed mailroom operations across the whole enterprise

Watch Create a Smarter Mailroom with AI Webinar


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