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Imagine That! One Company's Creative Approach to AP Transformation

AP Automation Journey

The willingness to get creative can make the difference between a successful digital transformation and just more of the same. In our virtual panel, learn how a little imagination helped nationwide manufacturer Pella overcome challenges in its finance function.

Pella wanted to automate key portions of the invoicing processes to increase efficiency and reduce processing costs, reduce incoming workflow streams, jump-start onboarding of additional business, and increase process accountability. Working with Kofax, Pella leveraged automation to reimagine its AP function and achieve these outcomes. In this session, Pella’s Liz Vande Voort and Kofax’s David Sentongo will discuss:

  • Key challenges that led to exploring AP Automation
  • The journey toward prioritizing key AP capabilities and understanding customer-desired outcomes
  • Results and plans for the future
  • Summary and takeaways





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