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How to Automate Your Procure-to-Pay: Paper, People and Processes

According to Aberdeen Research, the best-in-class organizations are able to reduce invoice processing time to 5.3 days and have a 32% straight-through invoice processing rate. What do these best-in-class teams have in common? They implemented cognitive document automation (CDA) and robotic process automation solutions (RPA) to improve their procure-to-pay process.

Watch this Aberdeen replay to learn how finance and accounting teams automate their procure-to-pay processes, including telecommunications and transportation companies who leveraged these technologies to:

  • Reduce number of FTEs processing invoices by 50%
  • Increase productivity per person by 200%
  • Improve business productivity by 25%

Jetzt ansehen

For more information, call our United States office at +1 (949) 783-1333, or contact a local office around the world.

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