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See the "How" of Digital Clinical Transformation - Kofax and Partner DCE

We know a very large proportion of all healthcare data is unstructured and not readily accessible to clinicians—in fact, up to 80%.

The benefits of having complete digital medical records delivered at the point of care in hospitals could enable:

  • Increased health data quality by eliminating manual, error-prone processes
  • Streamlined processes for capturing patient- and health-related data across your organisation
  • Significantly increased efficiency across the entire health care organisation, so physicians can see more patients per day
  • Improved availability of patient data at the point of care
  • Significant cost reduction by eliminating paper storage and paper mailing
  • Improved health care quality, safety and efficiency
  • My health record integration

If you would like to see how your hospital can benefit from centralising your clinical data for better patient care, watch this webinar.





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