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Forged by Innovation: The New AP Function of the Future

The Accounts Payable (AP) function has an opportunity to re-imagine itself: extend beyond a primary focus of transactional invoice processing and become a provider of business and operational intelligence. This transformation of identity and stature within the enterprise is driven by technological advances around workflow, artificial intelligence and analytics. Finance leaders are looking to tomorrow’s AP function to evolve, embracing this shift toward providing data and intelligence that drives a positive bottom-line impact.

Watch this replay from Kofax, Forrester and HSA Group where we share practical strategies to help you move the innovation needle within your accounts payable function so you can forge a successful transformation path in the year ahead.

View this webinar recording to discover:

  • Macrotrends in AP Automation from Andrew Bartels, Vice President, Principal Analyst with Forrester
  • Why AP automation is a top priority for CFOs in 2021
  • How to avoid common setbacks on your automation journey
  • HSA Group’s automation journey and how they've applied technology to achieve operational growth and efficiency
  • The latest innovations in Kofax AP automation solutions





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