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Mehr erreichen mit Power PDF: Einführung in Power PDF 5.1

For over 20+ years, Tungsten Power PDF has been the go-to solution for PDF editing, known for its simplicity, security, and affordability. Whether you’re a solo user or managing PDFs across your entire organization, Power PDF empowers you to create, edit, and convert and collaborate with ease.

Happy businessman having a good day

With the latest version 5.1, we're carrying the momentum of the biggest feature-rich release to include developments that provide an offering focused on making the PDF Editor experience easier and easier to use. In this webinar we will cover:

  • Unveiling Tungsten Automation (formerly Kofax)
  • Deep dive into Power PDF's capabilities
  • Insights from our valued customers
  • Exciting features of Power PDF 5.1
  • Introduction to our new Cloud Licensing and Deployment Flexibility

Join us in embracing this new era of modern work, as we continue to develop the user experience, improve upon security, unlock cost-effectiveness, and revolutionize the PDF Editing experience!

Watch our on-demand webinar


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