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Defend Against Check Fraud with E-signatures and Signature Verification

Electronic signatures and automatic signature verification are crucial yet often overlooked components of check fraud detection. Analyze internal process workflows, and you’ll see how a single signature clearly has far-reaching ramifications. A direct correlation exists between front-office operations such as capturing customer signatures, and back-office operations such as confirming signature authenticity and check verification to prevent forgery, one of the top three types of check fraud.

In this webinar, we discuss how to improve your digital transformation initiatives with e-signatures and check fraud prevention in both front-office and back-office operations. You will discover how to:

  • Prevent check signature forgery, a major type of fraud according to the American Banking Association (ABA)
  • Derive value and ROI from a combined e-sign and check fraud detection solution
  • Implement an electronic signature solution designed to support fraud prevention

For more information, call our United States office at +1 (949) 783-1333, or contact a local office around the world.

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