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Breaking Through the Digital Ceiling: A showcase for women driving change in Intelligent Automation

Yesterday’s siloed approach to automation has created disconnected organizations who are struggling to achieve further ROI and truly transform their operations. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Intelligent Automation is helping organizations break through the digital ceiling to streamline end-to-end operations, enabling full-scale digital transformation.

Women around the world are using intelligent automation to make their companies more efficient, more responsive to customers and more profitable. Hear from our Women in Intelligent Automation panel of speakers who explore how these brilliant women are pushing the envelope and advancing their roles in intelligent automation, including their challenges and strategies to overcome them.

View this webinar recording to learn:

  • Industry trends and insights into the state of intelligent automation from HFS Research analyst, Reetika Fleming
  • How Patty Sanchez, Manager of Application Development and the County of Ventura reduced costs and improved productivity by automating and digitizing case management
  • How Dorothy Vankaughnett, Consultant, Duncan & Son Lines, used robotic process automation to save 11 hours a day by automating logistics data collection
  • Tips and advice to help you get started on your digital transformation journey with intelligent automation





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