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Ardent Partners: The state of ePayables

View webinar

Listen to our on-demand webinar, Ardent Partners: The state of ePayables, where we'll explore the latest insights and strategies shaping the accounts payable industry.

Tungsten product marketing director Brian Bellhorn will be joined by Ardent Partners’ Bob Cohen, a lead analyst in the AP and ePayables industry as well as the principal author on their 18th annual state of ePayables report. Together they will discuss:

Ardent Partners: The State of ePayables | Kofax
  • How your invoice processing cost and time stacks up against the industry’s best enterprises
  • How AP is driving data analytics insights for the business
  • The 5 characteristics of best-in-class AP enterprises
  • Key automation features that help AP staffs outperform their peers
  • What AI means for AP in 2023

Registrants will receive a complimentary copy of the 2023 state of ePayables report.





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