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Everest Group: Intelligent Document Processing: Technology Vendor Landscape 2019

Organizations seek to adopt Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) to improve operational efficiency and strategic outcomes. In this independent research report, Everest Group reviews IDP software solutions that leverage AI/cognitive capabilities to reduce costs, increase accuracy and speed, and achieve synergy through product integration.

The Kofax Intelligent Automation platform and its Cognitive Document Automation solution were among the market leaders in both the ability to successfully deliver IDP products and overall impact created in the market.

In this report, you will learn:
  • What to look for in an IDP solution
  • How IDP solutions use AI to deliver value
  • Which vendors offer IDP solutions, and their strengths and areas of improvement according to Everest Group

Discover why Kofax is a leader in enterprise-class intelligent document processing and how it can be leveraged as part of a unified, end-to-end Intelligent Automation solution.





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