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Bussinesswoman using copier machine to copy heap of paperwork in office.

Business Critical Printing You Can Count On, Time After Time

Overuse of print in your office can be costly. Sensitive information sitting on a printer is risky. Managing printers and print servers can be monotonous for your IT department. So, how do you secure your document processes and keep business moving? Kofax Output Manager™ seamlessly transforms and delivers print streams from line of business systems so every mission-critical job is securely printed – when and where you need it.

Download this eBook to discover how to:

  • Secure confidential information and simplify information workflows
  • Reduce costs associated with printing and delivery
  • Consolidate output management systems and migrate from legacy printers
  • Support print requirements as business constantly evolves

Work like tomorrow by taking control of your print management and information security. Read this eBook to get started today.

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