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Beautiful businesswoman standing and working on a digital tablet computer in the modern office

How to Win with Mobile: Transforming Your Bank with a Multichannel Experience

Banks with a successful digital strategy are able to increase profitability, drive operational efficiency, and offer a competitive customer experience (CX). Mobile has a key role as customers now want to engage where and when they want. Yet only an estimated 29% of banks support the ability to open a checking or savings accounts via mobile.

Download this eBook to discover:

  • Four trends that make mobile business critical for banking
  • Why capabilities such as pre-filled forms, ID verification, and facial recognition are critical to meet compliance with banking regulations and reduce the cost of digital tampering
  • How to grow new revenue streams and build customer trust with a smooth, secure mobile onboarding process
  • Steps to evaluate your bank's mobile maturity and build a compelling and competitive experience

For more information, call our United States office at +1 (949) 783-1333, or contact a local office around the world.





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