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Diverse group of casually dressed smiling professional colleagues talking together over a laptop while having a meeting at a desk in a modern office

AIIM eBook – Information Capture: The First Step on the Digital Transformation Journey

According to AIIM research, “fifty-six percent of those polled are looking to automate their manual processes with automated document classification and data extraction” at the point of capture.

While this is a great goal to have and an essential part of the Digital Transformation journey, it requires a strategy, planning and the design of a cohesive information ecosystem.

In this eBook, AIIM takes a holistic view of digital transformation as a journey that begins with intelligent information management (IMM) and includes information capture as a valuable element.

Considerations and recommendations include:

  • Analyzing the current state of your processes and the extent to which paper is impacting your workflow
  • Assessing your current capture maturity level
  • Considering the implications of capture from both a document and electronic data perspective
  • Developing a roadmap for capture implementation within your larger organizational digital transformation goals

For more information, call our United States office at +1 (949) 783-1333, or contact a local office around the world.





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