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An Overhead View Of Two Businesspeople Calculating Invoice In Office While Using Laptop

Insurance Underwriting Analytics

Insurance underwriters require visibility into many sources of information and systems of record. This interactive demo shows how you can:

  • View the performance of underwriters
  • Focus on specific branches and agencies to analyze their quote count and revenues
  • View trusted information in easy-to-navigate dashboards
  • Incorporate information from disparate systems of record into a single source of truth for making better-informed business decisions
  • Quickly identify process bottlenecks, be alerted to SLA or process breaches, and be able to analyze and understand the impact of the process execution
  • Gain unprecedented insight into how the underwriter process is working

With Kofax Insight, you can view an entire process flow and pinpoint where steps or stages are being missed, done out of order or skipped entirely, which helps you to ensure compliance, reduce risks and ensure an optimal customer experience.

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