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Ornge Centralizes Supplier Contracts and Provides Remote Employee Access

Providing critical care land and air ambulance service to patients throughout the Toronto area, Ornge’s not-for-profit operations are complex and require the support of many vendors. So Ornge needed a single, centralized location to store their supplier contracts. It was important that the database visually displays contracts such that it easily identifies which are active and which are expired, and which documents modify others, preferably using a parent-child display.

Kofax PSIsafe is almost like having a virtual filing cabinet. It has allowed us to centralize our contracts, display them in an easy-to-understand format, and access them remotely.
Ornge’s legal counsel

Meet Ornge

Ornge is a Canadian nonprofit that coordinates all aspects of Ontario’s aero medical transport system, the critical care land transport program, and the screening of inter-facility transfers of patients within the province. Ornge serves more than 13 million people over one million square kilometers of land with the largest air ambulance and critical care land ambulance fleet in Canada, performing approximately 20,000 patient-related transports per year.

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