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Attention Homes

Each student case requires extensive paperwork, file notes and physical documents that over time, become a costly and time-consuming drain on administrative resources. Working closely with the Attention Homes team, Kofax assessed the nonprofit’s needs and implemented a document capture and management solution to help alleviate the burden of paper documents.

Armed with donated Epson scanners and PSIsafe, Kofax’s powerful document management platform, the Attention Homes team found more time to focus more on the heart of their mission: helping children.

We are honored to work closely with Kofax to provide support for an organization that gives so much to the community by helping at-risk youth and ensuring they have a safe home to learn and grow.
Carrie Fox
Director, Scanner Product Management Epson America

Attention Homes

Attention Homes works with at-risk, troubled and abused youth ages 10-18, providing safe housing, one-on-one tutoring, counseling and more. Located in Northwest Alabama, its two group homes serves approximately 100 children per year and works diligently to meet their physical, educational, emotional and mental health needs.

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Kofax PSIcapture


  • Decreasing manual work, eliminating bottlenecks and processing paperwork faster
  • Freeing up time to provide services for at-risk youth
  • Creating a digital cloud repository of paperwork to access documents anytime, anywhere
  • Reducing redundancy in paperwork processes