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5 case studies that reveal tangible benefits from document workflow automation strategies

Leading organizations use digital workflow automation to transform their multi-function devices (MFDs) into advanced machines that intelligently capture and process information from both physical and digital documents. In fact, MFDs are often the starting point for automation in many companies, disseminating data to other enterprise systems like CRMs and ERPs.

If your enterprise relies on MFDs with document-heavy, manual processes that are redundant and error prone and you face significant security challenges, Tungsten ControlSuite™ can help.

Read five case studies to learn how ControlSuite

  • Simplifies and enables central management and governance of content flowing through MFP fleets, mobile and desktop devices, business applications, email and print streams.
  • Actively manages and secures virtually every aspect of the capture and distribution of documents across any combination of hybrid systems, technologies and devices.
  • Reduces error-prone manual tasks, enriches the quality of information and improves accuracy, drives productivity, while maximizing security and ensuring compliance.

Discover how the power of ControlSuite helps you work like tomorrow™—today.





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