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PPB Advisory Drives Operational Efficiency with Rapid Creation for Digital Documents


Faster Creation of PDFs, Saving Employees Time


Operational Efficiency


Licensing Costs

Digital documents play a crucial role in PPB Advisory’s client communications—but using multiple platforms to create and manage PDFs was driving up costs and consuming valuable time. To solve the challenge, the company deployed Kofax Power PDF, enabling it to generate digital documents faster and shrink its software licensing and maintenance costs.

“Kofax Power PDF has been a breath of fresh air for us. I have no hesitation in saying that I believe it offers all the capability we require and is one of the most sophisticated PDF solutions on the market—and at a very competitive price.”
Mark Campbell
IT Operations Manager, PPB Advisory

About Company

PPB Advisory is a leading advisory firm that is focused on helping organizations navigate critical and complex issues, improve their performance and realize their strategic goals. Headquartered in Sydney, Australia, the company provides strategic and financial advice, leads major transactions, advises on complex business restructures and turnarounds, undertakes forensic investigations and provides insolvency services to companies and individuals alike.


Kofax Power PDF


Paperless Office
Operational Efficiency