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Turkcell Offers Seamless Onboarding with Automation from Kofax

2.5 Million

Customer contracts processed per year

147 Million

Sheets of paper saved annually


Activation times, enhancing the customer experience

Turkcell paves the way for fast, secure customer onboarding with a paperless contract application and activation process. Featuring innovative electronic signature capabilities powered by Kofax SignDoc®, the new approach will allow Turkcell to shorten time-to-activation for new contracts, driving a better customer experience, and eliminate the cost and effort of managing paper—boosting operational efficiency.

"Secure electronic contracts and signatures, enabled by Kofax SignDoc, set us apart from competitors."
Nevra Biyikli
CRM Manager, Turkcell

About Company

Headquartered in Istanbul, Turkey, Turkcell is one of the world’s largest integrated communications and technology services providers, serving more than 50 million subscribers.



Kofax SignDoc


Customer OnboardingE-Signature and Signature Verification