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Transportation Provider Grows its Business without Increasing Headcount


Faster scheduling for delivery appointments


Increase in appointments scheduled per week

24 hours

To launch a new robot into production

This transportation provider harnessed Kofax RPA™ to cut the time taken to book deliveries from hours to minutes. Today, the company is processing 25% more delivery appointments a week without any increase in headcount, getting more business on the books while maintaining healthy margins.

“In the past, it could take anywhere from 30 minutes to five hours to schedule an appointment. With Kofax RPA we have cut the time taken to set up an appointment to just five minutes on average—and we can even schedule some deliveries in as little as half a minute, which is just incredible.”
Transportation provider


This transportation company provides freight, truckload and logistics services in the United States and around the world.


Kofax RPA™


Digital TransformationRobotic Process Automation (RPA)Web Data Extraction