Invoices processed per month
The need to add headcount
$75 Million
Saved annually
Following a period of strong growth, this North American logistics company saw a dramatic increase in invoice processing requirements—which threatened to drive up costs significantly. To support continued growth, the company uses Kofax RPA™ to handle 500,000 invoices a month and drive cost savings of $75 million.
About Company
This company manages commercial logistics for several US businesses, working with thousands of carriers to coordinate deliveries across the country.
Kofax RPA
Robotic Process AutomationInvoice ProcessingWorkforce Multiplication
Tungsten TotalAgility
Optimieren Sie Ihre Prozesse mit TotalAgility, unserer KI-Workflow-Management-Lösung. Erfahren Sie, wie Automatisierung Ihr Unternehmen transformieren kann.
Tungsten RPA
Lösungen für robotergesteuerte Prozessautomatisierung (RPA) ermöglichen Ihnen die Automatisierung arbeitsintensiver, mehrstufiger Aufgaben über Systeme und Datenquellen hinweg – ohne Programmierung.